The company is making a significant contribution to improve environment and ecological balance by replacing clay-burnt bricks in construction works. Present brick manufacturing not only causes damage to agricultural land but also causes deforestation due to indiscriminate use of fire-wood in brick-field and other purposes. This will significantly reduce production of bricks for construction purposes and thus held to check deforestation.<br></br> The company has taken up necessary steps to preserve environment at the project site during its implementation project. The mine water are being examine regularly in order to prevent pollution of surrounding areas. Besides various gases which evolved due to blasting are measured by gas analyzer regularly. With the help of spraying and water using local fan, gases are diluted and eliminated as such miners are saved from any hazards.<br></br> In line of the Government policy, 2818 nos. of different varieties saplings were planted in the mine area in order to keep ecological balance.<br></br> Socio Economic Development of the Project Area:<br></br> The following Socio Economic Development had been established because of the company:<br></br> Up-gradation & completion of existing Phulbari – Maddhapara Road (13 km) by Roads and High ways Department. The work has already been completed. Bhabanipur – Maddhapara Railway line (14.5 km) construction by Bangladesh Railway. The Railway line has already been completed. Rangpur – Maddhapara – Barapukuria – Syedpur (about 70 km) 33KV Power Transmission line by Bangladesh Power Development Board (PDB). The transmission line has already been completed.<br></br> Maddhapara – Mithapukur and Maddhapara –Badargonj Road upgrading and completion by Roads & High Ways. Roads are being implemented by Roads & High ways. The mining company will also contribute in creation of linkage industries, infrastructural facilities, direct and indirect job opportunities for overall socio-economic development of the mine area.